Massage therapy is widely utilized by athletes and medically prescribed by orthopedic surgeons. Knots or myofascial trigger points form when muscle fibers and the bands of tissues ( fascia) undeath the muscle fibers tense up. This tightness typically leads to limited range of motion and sensitivity to touch. Often times the pain and tension of these knots can be relieved with simple massage techniques and vibration massage tools. Unfortunately, massages should be had on a regular basis to prevent future knotting and get extremely expensive. The health and fitness industry responded to this need by creating the do-it-yourself foam roller. The foam roller allows its users to leverage their own body weight and roll back and forth over knotted muscle tissue. The portability and affordability of these rollers makes them an extremely effective tool for self massage. Foam rollers have evolved to have various tread patterns to promote trigger point release therapy. As battery technologies advanced, manufactures have begun to integrate effective vibration massage technology with foam rolling to create the ultimate self massage tool. That’s when we decided to apply our years of vibration knowledge from building whole body vibration machines and integrate it into our Nitrofit Fit Roll vibration foam roller. This device allows you seek out tender muscle knots and apply optimized vibration frequencies to penetrate the muscle tissue and release tension.